The factory riders. Each one bringing unique abilities including winning races, buying tat and hurting themselves

Founder & CEO
Graham Stark
National #8, Graham launched KHRT when he discovered doner kebab meat was the real driver behind Armstong’s 7 tour wins. He now leads the team on the track, having knocked Tom off of it

Actual Elite Athlete
Olympic and European Champion, Beth drags up the average win rate of the team considerably by actually winning. A lot.
She also asked us to highlight she's not really in the team, she just very kindly posed with a sticker

COO and Team Coach
Tom rallies the troops on and off the track. As quick on the track as on eBay, he'll beat you to any bargain as long as the colours don't clash - that fries his circuits

Start Gate Coach
With his love of jumping matched by his love of cruisers, George combines ridiculous bike skills with mid-skool cool and a demon pump lap, all while his arse hangs out of his low-slung pants

Chief "Get In!" Officer
The newest member of the family and one of the fastest, much to the annoyance of the rest of us as he’s been BMXing for five minutes. Always smiling, especially when he’s left you in his dust.

Assistant to the CEO
With bones of glass, Paul has retired from racing but still manages to turn everything into a competition, including smallest jump, most bikes bought and highest BMI

Co-Chief Practice Officer
Another rapid improver, aided by secret spending and secret daily lunchtime sessions at Basingstoke pump track, Ian enjoys interfering with the Grand Vets

Co-Chief Practice Officer
Graham’s style icon, latest member of the double-manual-club, and the original “mullet-master” of the Team. Chris can be found smashing out reps and laps in secret while the rest of the team are grinding away at the day job

Head of Welfare
Leaner than a whippet, Ray is our fittest and bendiest member. Don’t be fooled by his friendly demeanour, he’s a berm assassin and can make you feel 20 years younger

BUPA liason officer
Fast and fearless with an equal number of big wins and big crashes and more race outfits than Kardashians have shoes. Depending when you read this, Matty might be injured again

Chief medical Offcer
A grand vet powerhouse with a jet black sense of humour. As a paramedic he’ll scrape you off the track whilst ridiculing your ineptitude and making jokes about your mum

Gosport last straight advisor
Duff by name but not by nature, another ex-motocrosser, he's brave enough to ride beyond his abilty, with the scars to prove it. He's not our dad, his hair just went white when saw the price of his BUPA renewal

Cheif Mechanic
Another looker, Cristian has been mistaken for Keanu Reeves from a long way away. One of our big wheel warriors, he’s done the megavalance and is the 6th best bike tech in the world

Head of Security
Ultra fit, ultra competitive and ultra marathons, Robbie is our only member that actually likes training but the rest of us are too scared to tell him

Head of dressing up
Our fastest progressor until Jamie appeared, Chris is as smooth on his bike as his baldy head and is, for now, our best fancy dresser. Until Jamie takes that up too

Ezra "Hollywood" Tomlinson
Sometimes Competitive, other times highly nonchalant! Smoother than MJ moonwalking, loves a bit of steep techy DH, getting more air than his Dad, BMX, Handstands and answering back!